Popular Nollywood actor, Desmond Elliot has taken the step of relocating his family abroad. The actor's wife and four kids have permanently relocated to the United States so the kids could have a better education.
Even though they left few months before now, people thought they went for vacation, but a source in the know has confirmed, they won't be returning any time soon. Desmond Elliot who claims to have gotten married to his wife while he was still a virgin. According to a source close to the family, regarding the issue of intimacy between husband and wife, Desmond, is determined not to go about sowing wild oaths all over town "You know Desmond got married as a virgin, he will be holding on until he goes to see his wife or the wife would come visiting.
Desmond Elliot is reputed to be somewhat disciplined when it comes to issues with women.
Hmmm. We don hear.